

Logo Items For The Insurance Industry

Selling insurance is a challenge but there are some easy and affordable strategies that can set you up for success. As with any marketing, consistency of messaging and timing are imperative. One clever insurance agency implemented a turn-key approach that continues to bring results to this day.

This particular firm had 45 agents selling home, auto and life policies. Each quarter a promotional package was mailed to clients and prospects along with logo items that had a connected, practical use for those who receive them. The packaging, messaging and promotional products all had consistent branding and were personalized as coming from the agent to the recipient.

The messaging was subtle... "I am checking in to see if your insurance coverage is where it should be. Please enjoy the enclosed travel mug and remember to drive safely. The best way to keep safe and lower your insurance premiums is to avoid accidents while driving. Here are the top hints that safe drivers use on a regular basis:

1) Minimize distraction and be pro-active: look for problems before they happen.
2) Cell phones: hands-free only.
3) Stay alert: if you are tired, pull over and rest.

We are here to help as any of your insurance needs change; auto, home or life."

With helpful tips on how to stay safe and keep insurance premiums down, this soft sell approach actually increased business for the agents in this organization.

Is it realistic for you to expect this type of program from a promotional products pro? Yes, it's not only possible but probable if you connect with the right agency. Make sure you tell them what you want to achieve and then let them pick the strategy and products for you. This same type of promotion can and will work for your enterprise.

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